As you go through life, as you go about on your daily business you are bound to come across various pieces of information from all walks of life. It could be directions, news passed on to you or it might just be random stuff you pick up along the day.
As human beings, we absorb a lot of information but the question is this - Can we trust the source?
If you’re like me, you might have several social media accounts i.e. twitter, facebook, instagram and a lot of information is put out there. At a time, you could take this for face value but it is always best to get the truth from the person who said it or shared that piece of information.
Many relationships and friendships are often destroyed because we often choose to believe 3rd party gossip rather than listening to the person that made that statement. At times, someone may tell you something about a particular individual and just like that, a rumour or a lie has been created and if you don’t verify what the person has said then that is how trust is broken. I have seen many instances where people have believed a lie rather than seek the truth of the situation, its rather unfortunate to see but that i reality.
Let’s address a passage which encompasses this... John 21:22 is a perfect example of this. When Jesus and Peter are having a heart to heart, Peter sees John and enquires about him so Jesus tells him that it’s not any of his business and that he should concentrate on following him. The disciples heard this and the rumour started all because they thought they heard Jesus say something where he didn’t. It can be so hard but it is wise to get the truth from the real source, the person who said it.
Let’s endeavour to find the truth. Let’s endeavour not to listen to gossip or third party information. At all times, seek the truth and speak the truth.
Be blessed