Monday, 7 August 2017

Your environment #growth

Growth takes place in stages. You can't go from being a small boy into being a man overnight, it doesn't work like that. If something is to grow, it has to be given time and also the right environment to grow in. 

On the church bus home, I was in conversation with a fellow brother about potential and why certain footballers don't progress from being just a 'potential talent'. If we are to look at the state of the footballing world, there are many footballers who no doubt have a lot of quality and the potential to become great. The only problem is that they will never go past potential if they don't manifest themselves and grow into who they can become. 

It is considered to be one of the greatest moments of someone's life when they are given a great opportunity but in front of you, there is a lot of people in the way who are pretty much more advanced that you and henceforth you can't grow at the expected rate. 

Now, I believe that as much into lies with the person alone to want to grow, to want to move past potential, it also lies with their environment. The reason why I say this is because there are some environments that will be not conducive to their growth, in fact it will stagnate their growth. It will grow but just not as it's expected rate. 

Having potential is not enough to live on, you need to be who you were created to be. There's no doubt that we all have a lot of potential but we must go from potential to manifesting who we really are. 

Be strong, go from 'You could be great' to 'I am great'

Saturday, 17 June 2017

The testing phase

For a while, I hated doing tests in school. If anything I was scared of them.
The first time I took a test, I got the results back and  it showed me what I was good at and what I needed to work on. It was a blessing to me, I saw what I needed to work on and gave me targets.
Moving forward, I'm longer of tests or exams because I know it will highlight what I'm good at and what I need to work on. 'Everybody is strong until they get tested'
Consider a joy when you go through tests. Tests are there to make you stronger............. This morning, test yourself and check the results.
#tests #examseason #testyourself #strength #weakness #checkup #education #life

Tests also reveal what you need to work on and what you need to improve on. It may also detect how strong something is. Being tested is often seen as a bad thing and can sometimes feel like you are not liked but that really isn't true. It's so they can assess where you are and what you need to do going forward.

Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:3‭-‬4 NIV

Saturday, 10 June 2017

When will it stop?

A mother cries out in pain
As the funeral procession goes the lane
A line of people dressed in black
Grieving over the latest attack
In the distance you can hear sirens
Sirens of help
Sirens of danger
Sirens of trouble
And then.........Bang............

When will it stop?
When will the pain end?
When will I see you again?
You've left a hole in my heart?

Love is better than hate
Life is better than death
Obedience is better than sacrifice

As I stand there
Looking on in despair
I hear a voice crying out
I hear the cry of a mother
A cry of a mother, a cry of pain
As the funeral procession goes down the lane

When will it stop?
When will the pain end?
When will I see you again?
You've left a hole in my heart?

When will it stop?

Sirens of help
Sirens of danger
Sirens of trouble
And then............Bang............
A life Screams as it takes its last breath
'I love you, mum' as silence fills the air

When will it stop?
When will it end?
When will I see you again?

When will it stop
When will it end?

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Are you well?

Wellbeing is 'the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy'. It's a generic term for the condition where the social, financial, psychological, spiritual or medical state. This usually means that individual's condition is positive and very high.

When someone says, 'I am well' this could be an indication that they really are well but on the other hands, is it the actual truth?

Do you have perfect wellbeing? Can you honestly say that you are happy? Can you honestly say that you are in a good place right now?

Throughout your life, you will go through times where you may feel well physically but emotionally, you feel shipwrecked. There will be times where you will feel financially well but socially you're not well in that area. For one to really achieve positive wellbeing, all the different areas must be well balanced.

Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at Wellbeing in several key areas. The first one is Physical............

If you have ever woke up in the morning and you feel tired, low of energy or no general interest in getting up, there could be a possibility that your body is not in a good condition. So, how can you ensure that your body is in a top condition? You can take up exercise, you can start a diet or you can just make changes to your lifestyle. There may also be a medical reason why you feel so burnt out at times so it's very wise to see your doctor so you can see if there any underlying causes.

There are different stages to attaining physical health, what's needed is maintaining regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and the most important part, relaxation. Relaxation is something that we fail to add as part of our lifestyle. If perfect wellbeing is to be realised, then we must learn to relax and have proper rest.

Our next part will be on Emotional wellbeing. Stay tuned

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Behaviour - Is it learnt or are we born with it?

"Some behaviours have to be taught before you do them. These are learned behaviours. You aren't born knowing how to respond in a classroom when a teacher asks a question. Raising your hand and waiting to be called on is something you learn from your interaction with the world. Learned behaviours include things like speaking in a specific language (for example, English or Spanish) or how you should eat in a restaurant. If you weren't taught these things through your environment and experiences, you would not know how to do them." -

For some time now I've been thinking about behaviour and two concepts - Innate behaviour and learned behaviour.

When each of us was born, we were born with certain needs such as love, warmth, joy, happiness. But then what about speaking, eating, walking? All of this is done through what we see.

If we know that, when we see people acting like us, we should ask ourselves one key question - What type of example am I setting? The children of today have learnt everything from what they see and observe and I am sure that most of what we do, we have either picked it up from our parents or those that we hang around.

So, the next question is this - The behaviour that we have learnt, can we unlearn them? Beforehand, I thought that this wasn't possible but now my belief has changed. Behaviour can be learnt and unlearnt. The way we can unlearn certain behaviours is to change our environment and the people that we are associated with.

Everything we say or do is governed by what we see people do and what they say. In positions of leadership and management, we need to be careful of our actions and how we come across. People learn from us and this is why we need to ensure our behaviour influences them in a good way

Let's influence people in a positive way.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

The spoken word #openthoughts

A few years ago when I was in secondary school, I set up my own events management company and every month we held our own events. As it was progressing nicely, there was something my associate said to me which was "If you always say that you are sick, you will become sick"

At that time, I didn't really pay attention to it until a few years later when I came across this scripture - Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

When a man think he is unwell, he is unwell. When a man thinks of evil in his heart, that evil spirit will manifest in his life. When a man thinks that he is an outcast and so on, you will find out that he will become an outcast.
Whenever you think of these things or you speak about these things, you are planting a seed into yourself or the person you speak it over.

A seed takes time to grow and when it grows it develops roots and then you will begin to see the manifestation of that seed.

Let's look at this a little deeper.

A few years back when I was 25, my doctor diagnosed with a condition called Hypogonadism. When my doctor gave me the news, I was knocked for six and that really set me back. I was going back and forth, taking medication and going to appointments. The more I believed I had the condition, the more I was in that cycle. It got worse because I was feeling tired, no energy and I started to become quite forgetful which led to me having a scan on my brain. The results came back negative, thank God.

As I was praying for healing, I was led to declare forth my healing and declare that I don't have that condition anymore. This went on for a matter of weeks and glory to God when I went back for my tests, it was revealed that I didn't have it anymore. The condition had dissolved itself.

Whenever the doctors would tell me something was wrong, I instantly rejected it and declared that I was healed and that I was free. It worked and today I can declare that I am free from sickness. No longer am I bound by the condition.

Let's bring it back and discover that words can have a lasting effect so it's vitally important that we reject anything that wants to come against what God has planned for our lives. There is a need for us to speak positive words over our lives. Speak positive things, Think positive things and you will see it manifest in your life.

Philippians 4:8 - For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].

Declare your healing today, Decree your healing today. You are free in the name of Jesus.

What words have you spoken over your life? What words have you spoken over other people's lives?What words have other people spoken over you?

The words we speak can either have a positive or negative effect. Think wisely before you speak.

I pray this has blessed someone today.  

Friday, 7 April 2017

A new Level #openthoughts

Lately, I've hated the idea of getting older and older *sighs* however that idea has now subsided and I am very much looking forward to what is going to happen next.
If you are like me, I always want to know what is happening next or what will take place so I can plan for it properly or put some contingency plan in place but lately I have just been resting in God and allowing him to take control.

I turned 29 on 1st April and I was quite excited because I had entered a new age and with that comes new opportunities but also it pushes me closer to the big age of 30.................and by this time you would expect that one would be married, have a nice house or at least be financially stable but sadly that's not the case. Pondering on that, I had a chat with God and he said that I need to trust him more and that I shouldn't worry about it too tough. With that, I am moving onto a new level and I am very excited at what God has in store.

The past year had been a year of trials, tribulations and a lot of challenges. It had it's up and downs, it had it's high and lows and there was a time I thought I wouldn't even make it to the end of 2016 but God turned it around. Those times where I couldn't see a way out, God would always make a way.

As I spent time thanking God for seeing me through another year this is the word he delivered to me

Get ready to move because I am getting ready to move to you a new level. I am getting ready to elevate you, to enlarge you, to stretch you, to challenge you and to give you new visions, ideas and dreams.

I am still celebrating my birthday however so If you would like to bless me lol God will bless you also.

Thank you for tuning in and I am looking forward to the opportunities that are going to come my way. Sooo, let's network and let's build together

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

#openthoughts - There's work to be done

On this very date last year, Brussels was the subject of a terrorist attack. It shook to the world to it's very core. In the follow up to that, I released a blog piece on fear and faith and how we need to have unshakable faith.

Today, about a year on, London was the subject of a terror attack as a police offer was stabbed at the entrance to the Houses of Parliament whilst on Westminster Bridge, around 26 people were mowed down by the car. I received a messsage on my phone via one of the disciple groups i'm part of. Looking at that, it took me back to something I pondered on. There is work to be done.................

I understand that the world can be a fast moving world and it's not always possible to keep up however the places you are in and the areas you live need work. For a long time, we as a nation have been sleeping, oblivious to what is going around us. There are things happening around us every single day but because we choose to be ignorant, we don't know what is happeneing.
It's time that we opened our eyes and unblocked our ears so we know what is exactly going on.

You may be thinking 'Well, what needs to be done' or 'would anyone listen to me'. Look outside your window, look on the TV, look on social media, look in the newspaper and you will see that there is work to be done.

9 times out of 10, people are waiting for someone to do something but what would happen if you got up and did something about it. The things you complain about is what you are called to fix.

Leaving college today, I went to starbucks with my friend so we can sit down and take in today's news. Whilst we were talking about it, there was a lady who was interested because she wasn't aware of it. It really showed me how we know so much but if we don't reveal it to the world, no one will be none the wiser.

You might be reading and be thinking that you don't have a role to play, but you really do. Wherever you go today, wherever you live. It doesn't matter abaout your faith, race, gender, background. This message is generic and is for anyone - There is serious work to be done

Folks, there is serious work to be done.

I pray that you are blessed by this. Message me if you feel provoked to undertake this work..........

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

#openthoughts - Play it safe

it's wiser to be cautious and careful than to be hasty or rash and so do something you may later regret

So, I was riding home on the 205 bus, a thought well it's more something my mum always said to me when I was young. 
'It's better to be safe than sorry' 

Back then, I never really understood why she said that. I honestly thought it was just a cliche but years later, the reality of it hit me for six. Yes, years later and I have finally understood why she said it. 

The phrase which I can relate it to is this one - 'Obedience is better than sacrifice'........... Let me explain why

There was a time when I had learned of someone's death and so I asked why it happened. I was informed that the person was involved in an accident and then it was said that the person wasn't wearing a seatbelt at the time which contributed to their death. At the time my first reaction was one of shock and then one of sympathy. 
When you get into a car, your first initial reaction would be to make sure your safe before you start moving and that would include wearing a seatbelt. I wonder sometimes that if the person had worn their seatbelt, might they of survived the ordeal? 

It's one of those situations where following instructions would be much easier than dealing with the aftermath, We live in a society where people are told to break rules and to live life on the edge and truth be told, it hasn't done them the world of good. 

There are times in life that we just have to take the word and live by it. It really is better to be safe than sorry. 

Instructions, Commands and Guidelines are there for a reason. Let's adhere to them and be safe. 
You don't want to have to apologise to someone for causing injury or harm to their loved ones. Do all you can to make sure you are safe and that everyone is safe. 

All around you, people will tell you to do things that go against what it says on the tin. You, personally, you must do what it says on the tin and get it right. 

Be wise, Be Safe and Stop living life on the edge. 

Love ya'll greatly

Thursday, 9 March 2017

#openthoughts - Don't look back

'Stop looking back, look to the future'

For some time now, I've been coasting through life moving with God and following his plan for my life. There came a time when I was told this -  "Stop looking behind you, look to the front because that is where you are heading"

The old job, ex-partner, the old house, old habits............ When the going gets tough, it can sometimes be so much easier to just go back to what we know that looking ahead and going into the unknown. It's a common thing nowadays, you're looking for a job and you somehow find yourself back in the job you left some years ago. One reason is that we haven't really let go of the past, we are still looking back at it which is why we never take hold of what's to come in our future.

"Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt" - Genesis 19. As I looked at the passage alone, I froze. Lot's failed to head into the future because she looked back. She looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah and as such, she was turned into salt. She became a distant memory

As I was pondering on this, the analogy I received was this.
A house is on fire, it is literally burning down. You've gone outside but the pain of losing the house and everything inside it is too much so you decide to go back in even though everyone is telling you not to. You decide to go in but you don't make it out alive. You've been burned into ashes.

We all have problems with moving on. We just can't forget the past, it's hurt us so much that we are not ready to move on but today God is saying - "Stop looking back, look to the future"
The person may of hurt you real bad, the person may have broken you in pieces but you can't allow that to stop you from moving on. By all means, confront what's holding you back but don't stay there. Deal with it and go. You in charge of your destiny.
Look to the future...............

Ask yourself these questions - Does it have a hold over me? Am I ready to let go? Am I ready to leave the past behind?

Normally, I would prepare my blog pieces but it's been in my spirit these past few days to just write and write and just share my thoughts. As you read, I pray that you find strength and courage to take that first step and move towards the future.

Monday, 6 February 2017

#Openthoughts - Time: Use it or Lose it

It only feels like we had just entered January and skipped to February. That literally is how fast the year has gone already, it's just ticked away right before our own eyes. Do you feel like you need more time? Do you wish you had more time?

Think of it this way - You are sitting in an exam, on the paper, it says that you have 2 hours. Everybody has the same 2 hours, no more and no less. One person uses time well and answers all the questions but the other person just sits there figuring out what to do. All of a sudden the invigilator says "Time up". Both of you had the same 2 hours but one used time and one wasted time. On exam results day, it was evident to see. Do you want to be the person who uses the time to their advantage or do you want to be the person who sees time tick by?

When I was young, I had this precept that I could wait and do things the next day. It was like that for a while until I met one of my associates who said this to me - "Time waits for no man, Time doesn't respect anyone, it just goes tic toc. What you do with it is down to you"
I will admit, they were some wise words indeed, they have been lodged in my memory up until now.

All of us can't complain that we don't have enough time, in fact, we have 24 hours in a day every day of the week. The only thing is what do we do with it? If you asked someone what they do with their time, this will indicate why they say 'If I only had another hour or if the day could be extended'.
How do you view time? Can you manage your time well?

I want to introduce a time management tool which will help greatly

Above is the Eisenhower matrix. It helps us identify and structure our time a lot better. When I was first introduced to this concept I found out that there are things that I do which were time-consuming, they weren't beneficial for me so I cut them out and I found that I had more time than I thought. Try it out for yourself. You will be amazed at the results. 

There are some things in life that we have to do and there are some things that we don't have to do. In between that, some balance is needed. Ask yourself this question - Do I really need to do it? I did this once and it changed my life

Time is one of our greatest investments. When you invest in yourself and spend time investing in you, you will reap the benefits. Let's start investing time into something worthwhile.

Let's stop regretting the time we have wasted. We can't get it back
Time is precious, Time is our greatest resource. 


'Do Today what others won't do tomorrow'

Monday, 2 January 2017

#openthoughts - Start again

Happy new year. You made it into 2017 that deserves a huge round of applause 👏👏👏👏👏. 
This year is set to a great year, it's set to be a year of expansion and also a year of revelation. 

As you ponder on how to navigate through this year, I want to encourage you with this word - Pick it up and start again. Go back to basics. 

Many of us have buried dreams, ideas, books, songs, businesses and many other things because we have decided that it's not working anymore or we don't feel 'in the mood' anymore. As I was in quiet time the pull of everything I am called to do kept on calling me so I decided to pick up where I left off and start again. 

In 2016 I attempted to start different projects but they failed. Although I was upset about it, I decided to close the book and start again on a fresh page.  I felt much better and as such, I was able to make new plans, put together new ideas and execute them. 

As you have crossed over in 2017, why not take some time to assess what worked and what didn't work and start again. Do you want to learn an instrument? Write a book? Start a business? You may even want to improve your health and fitness. Whatever it is that you want to do, there's no better time than right now to start. 

I wish you all the best for the year ahead. From myself and the Ryan's World team, have a wonderful year and we are looking to appearing at some events up and down the UK and beyond.