I work in the security industry and all throughout my time as a steward, I have been taught how to manage crowd behaviour. Within crowd behaviour, there are the three d's - Dynamic, Density and Distress. Within that, we were told to watch out for people who seem to be lost within the crowd or conforming to their surroundings and also those who seem to be in distress.
If you have attended a football match before, you will be aware of the masses of people that attend on any given day. If you are not careful, you could end up getting lost in the crowd. The question we should ask ourselves is why?
It's a question that I have often asked myself and pondered for a while now. One of the things is that we can sometimes conform to our surroundings and try our utmost fit in because it's the easiest way or if we see most people acting in a certain manner, we think it's perfect to act in that way.
We can also get lost in the crowd when there are emergencies or problems, within that you're not thinking rationally and your fight or flight mode kicks in. At that moment, nobody in the crowd is thinking, they just want to get out of the exit so they can be safe.
9 times out of 10, we are like that. Whenever we face problems, we too tend to take the easy way out. We follow everybody and when we see someone heading in a direction, we will head that way also not knowing where it will lead us.
When we do this, will eventually get lost to the point of no return.
When I read the bible, I am reminded that when King David came to Ziklag, he found that all his family had been taken. At that moment you would expect him to forget everything and go after them but that is not what he did. He sat down and inquired after God. He soon got his answer and he was able to recover all that he had lost.
If King David had followed the crowd and went after them without listening to God, it could have been costly.
So, we know why we can sometimes get lost in a crowd. The next question - how can we ensure that we don't get lost?
One major key is to listen. I have found that if I ask a policeman or someone official like a steward of a response team steward, I am assured that they will tell me the best route to exit the place. Because they know the layout, I am able to find my way out if I listen and obey instructions.
The next key is to be calm. Whenever there is a crowd problem at games, there is never anything calm about the whole situation but whenever one person in the crowd is calm, it will rub off on everybody else. When you know and listen to the people in charge, you will definitely be calm about the situation. It's not going to be easy when you are in fight or flight mode but take some time out and listen to what is being said.
Another major key is to read the signs. When all else fails, follow the signs. Exit This way, Fire Exit, Emergency Exit, all of these exits will eventually help you get back to your starting place and will help you keep moving but when you don't read signs, confusion kicks in. Signs are there to guide you, signs are there to help you. Don't dismiss the signs.
It is very possible to stand out from the crowd when you know who you are and where you are. Stand out from the crowd, don't get lost. God needs you to stand out
Be blessed
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
#Openthoughts - There is room for everyone
Each and every day, people will rush about trying to fit in or even push people out the way so they can have space. It's a sorry sight, it's also very dangerous as people can get hurt in the process.
Trying to rush about will only delay your journey. Relax, be still, be at peace because there is room for everyone.
If you picture a typical train journey in the morning, you will see a mass of people either walking to work, getting the bus or train, taking children to school or just going from A-B. 9 times out of 10, they will all be worried about how they will get there henceforth why many people try to push past people but will find that they will end up being late and missing out.
Life will bring many demands which we will have to meet but we can negotiate those demands by being calm. Not everyone will have that same mindset but you can dictate how you react by realizing that your time will come. There will be a time when the train will be empty, when you will get a seat on the bus and when the roads are less busier than usual.
Having the 'there is room for me' mindset will ensure that you don't conform to society and the ways of the world. Failure to have this mindset will only result in frustration and then lead to the point where you copy how others react and what others do.
The key to breaking this habit is to know your identity and be confident in yourself. Be confident in what you have to offer and the impact that it will bring. You also need to know that you are unique and that you have something different. Only then will others realize that there will room for everyone to operate.
It's very possible for two strikers to play together, it's very possible for two left footers to play in one team and it is very possible for two captains to be on the pitch at the same time. Be yourself, be good to others, don't rush around and you will be able to breathe properly.
When I was young, I always thought that to be accepted by society I had to be like certain people so I can reach the top. So, that meant me trying to become a footballer or wanting to make music. Oh, how wrong was I............ I failed spectacularly but when I walked down the path of being a writer and also security I soon found out that I could walk a different path and still get to the top. This was an important lesson and one that I will never forget.
There's something a wise man used to say to me and my friends when growing up which was "You will eat, there is enough food for everyone to eat, be patient"
You will get your food and you will have enough to share with people around you. Be calm, wait your turn. There is room for me and you, There is room for everyone.
Monday, 5 December 2016
#Openthoughts - The right time
Everybody loves to talk, in fact, they say that talking is good for the soul but what happens when you start talking too much? What happens if you say things at the wrong time?
It's a well-known fact that when people need to talk, at times it is done just so that they can respond. Are you the type of person to listen just so you can talk back?
Are you the type of person who waits for their turn and talks when they need to talk?
In life, we are required to respond to every situation but how you respond is crucial. Being silent is not an option, it may work for a while but at some stage, you will have to say something but when you say it has a significant cause to it. What you say can make or break you.
When someone declares something good about themselves, 9 times out of 10 it will come to pass but when someone says something bad or makes a decree, it will take place. No matter what stage of life you are at, you have to be careful with your words.
Your words can either kill someone or give someone life. People who work in key areas such as education, social care etc have a responsibility to be careful with their words. What they say to their students, service users can have a huge bearing on what happens to them.
Your words contain so much power, your words contain so much life, your words have meaning. People may not remember what you did but they will remember what you said. Many people will not admit that what you said either blessed or hurt them, but be assured but it did. Whenever a word has an impact on someone's life, they will always remember it.
I want to tell you that whilst you may think that what you say is not important, you have to release what you want to say. Not saying anything can cause you problems but also saying things at the wrong time can cause you problems.
Words do more than convey information. The power of our words can actually destroy one’s spirit, even stir up hatred and violence. They not only exacerbate wounds but inflict them directly. Of all the creatures on this planet, only man has the ability to communicate through the spoken word.
There will be a right time to talk. Wait for your turn................
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
#Openthoughts - You can do it
Have you ever given yourself an excuse as to why you can't do something? Have you ever said to yourself it's too hard for me..........?
If you have then you are not alone. Many people give themselves a reason as to why something can't be done.
There's a scripture in the bible which is one that we abide to daily -
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
This lets me know that all things are possible so all those pre-conceived ideas as to why something can't be done is just a figment of my imagination. So, ask yourself again. Do you have any reason as to why something can't be done.
We have often found out that when we give ourself excuses we put limits on our ability so when you say things like "I can't", "It won't happen" or "I don't think I can" we are actually programming our mind to only work to a certain level and then stop.
If you can programme your mind by saying things such as "I can do it", "I am able to do it" then everything becomes a possibility. All the barriers you once thought were impossible to shift will no longer look impossible, all the things you thought that you couldn't do, you will now be able to do them. It's definitely worked for us in a number of ways.
When you declare you can and you will, you will find that you will actually begin to start doing those things i.e. Someone says I can swim 50 metres. Once they get to 50 metres, that fear has now gone and they will go further and further.
The thing that stops us is our ability to 'Do it'. You won't know you can do something until you actually do it, you won't know you can do something until you step out the comfort zone, you won't know you can do something until you enlarge your mindset and expand your thinking.
Your mouth can speak life and death to a situation. What you say can either have a positive or negative effect. Choose your words wisely
You also need to check your circle around you. Are they encouraging you to great and mighty things? Are they a constant source of encouragement? Are they providing support?
For you to achieve something, you need people who can see that you can do it and are willing to encourage you and support you.
As you read this I want you to declare this to yourself everyday
I Can
I will
I am able
Nothing is too hard for me
I am willing to try
Stay blessed
Friday, 26 August 2016
#openthoughts - Stay at the top
If you are like us, you would have noticed that the Olympics were on. During the Olympics, we saw many athletes win either Gold, Silver or Bronze.
There were two images that blew our minds. The race between De Grasse and Bolt. In that race, Bolt coasted down the field but De Grasse was focusing on Bolt as if to say, 'I want to be like you'. In this first image, i'd imagine that Bolt was saying 'I'm still number one, if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best'
Right now, Bolt is at the top of the world in the 100 metres and 200 metres, if people want to take that crown, they have to beat Bolt. It's as simple as that but as long as Bolt is at the top of his game, no one is reaching the top.
Now, let's look at it for ourselves. Some of us are fighting to get the top and there will come a time where you will reach the top. Question is - Are you able to stay at the top?
Once you're at the top, you will find that there will be people who will want to challenge you each and every day, people will be looking at everything that you do. In order for you to stay at the top, you are going to have to improve yourself. I remember Usain Bolt said that he was disappointed with his time in the 200 metres final because he could have gone faster.
If you are not improving yourself and updating yourself, you risk losing everything you worked so hard for. Those that watch football will know the kind of season Chelsea had last season, it was a case that they didn't update themselves, they didn't fight to stay at the top. As a result there is a new name at the top - Leicester City.
Stay Focused, keep improving yourself, fight to stay at the top. At all costs, Stay at the top
Monday, 22 August 2016
#openthoughts - Ready, Steady, Go
Earlier today, I was walking home when I saw a lady run across the middle of the road, no concern for the safety of herself and others. So as I approached the traffic lights, this thought came to mind, there are some things we have done without waiting and as a result of that, we enter problems. What if we could of just waited that little longer, listened to God more and were more patient?
There's no doubting that everyone needs to get somewhere but there are times we it is wise that we stop and wait for the signal to keep going.
So, let's take this from two different perspectives. You're in a car travelling at a decent speed, everything is well but then you see a red light in the distance so you start to brake and stop until you are told to go. Now, there are some instances where your journey is delayed or you are told to divert to another path. Do you obey or do you go the way you always know? Not obeying could have some serious consequences, it might even prolong your journey.
It may benefit you in the long run to go a different path. Remember, there are many routes to reach a destination, not everyone will go the way you are going.
Let's take a train. Just like a car, it travels at some fast speeds. On occasions it is required to stop. Failure to stop could cause it to crash into another train which can have deadly consequences. It's better to stop than to pass and cause an accident which could have been avoided.
Now, let's look at the person waiting at the traffic lights. We know that the 'red man' sign signals we should stop, and the 'green man' sign signals we can cross. Many of us might be at a red light where have to wait and many of us have the green light to go ahead and go on our journey. However, there are some people who don't like to wait, they will cross at any moment. Doing that could cost them their life as they risk getting hurt by the onrushing traffic. Think of that as the different problems in your life or the things that have not been designed for you, you are at a red light so you can let them pass without you becoming engulfed in a harmful situation.
Where are you in your life right now? Do you feel some parts of your life is on hold right now? There probably is a reason for it, wait patiently. The time to go is on it's way.
The next dimension to this is the following - When you have the green light, are you actually ready to go? Are you ready to move onto the next part of your journey?
Think about it..........................................
Ready, Steady, Go........................................
Friday, 19 August 2016
#openthoughts - Change
Change is necessary, change is needed but what do you do when you lack the ability to change?
Let's look at what the word change means -
To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform
To undergo transformation or transition:
There are plenty more versions but we like these two specifically. Reason being is that when there is a change, you will notice it. It will be visible for all to see.
When we say that we are going to change, there should normally be a visible transformation but let's address why sometimes it may not happen.
One of the reasons is down to your mindset. Yes, everyone thinks you can just embark on a journey and expect your mind and body to adjust to it straight away. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, you must first train your mind and let it adjust to the changes but sometimes you won't get a chance, you will have to adjust. How do you train your mind? You can speak to your mind, tell it good thoughts, repeat the changes that are set to come into effect and most importantly give yourself time.
There are instances where change takes place such as - Changing schools, moving houses, starting a new job, deciding to become more healthier.
In these instances it will be common that you won't like the change but once you become consistent and you become comfortable with it, the change won't actually affect you.
When you was at school and you moved into a new year, you were forced to change and adjust to the new year. Change is never meant to be easy but the process can be calm if we allow it to be.
Change doesn't change overnight, it takes place over a period of time. Don't get upset if you don't see a change straight away, keep doing what you are doing and you will soon start to see changes.
Once you have planted the seed or the idea, it takes a process or you can call it the watering stage or even the hibernation period. During that time, is when the change starts to take place and only when it's finished is when you will see a visible change.
Some destinies are short, some dreams are dismissed because of the inability to wait for change. To see change, you need patience, you need to give it time. Because you can't see a visible change, this doesn't mean that change is taking place.
Change will always start from within before it effects the outer appearance.
Do you have the ability to change? Are you prepared to allow the change to take place?
I pray you are blessed by this and may you see the change that you desire in your life
Let's look at what the word change means -
To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform
To undergo transformation or transition:
There are plenty more versions but we like these two specifically. Reason being is that when there is a change, you will notice it. It will be visible for all to see.
When we say that we are going to change, there should normally be a visible transformation but let's address why sometimes it may not happen.
One of the reasons is down to your mindset. Yes, everyone thinks you can just embark on a journey and expect your mind and body to adjust to it straight away. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, you must first train your mind and let it adjust to the changes but sometimes you won't get a chance, you will have to adjust. How do you train your mind? You can speak to your mind, tell it good thoughts, repeat the changes that are set to come into effect and most importantly give yourself time.
There are instances where change takes place such as - Changing schools, moving houses, starting a new job, deciding to become more healthier.
In these instances it will be common that you won't like the change but once you become consistent and you become comfortable with it, the change won't actually affect you.
When you was at school and you moved into a new year, you were forced to change and adjust to the new year. Change is never meant to be easy but the process can be calm if we allow it to be.
Change doesn't change overnight, it takes place over a period of time. Don't get upset if you don't see a change straight away, keep doing what you are doing and you will soon start to see changes.
Once you have planted the seed or the idea, it takes a process or you can call it the watering stage or even the hibernation period. During that time, is when the change starts to take place and only when it's finished is when you will see a visible change.
Some destinies are short, some dreams are dismissed because of the inability to wait for change. To see change, you need patience, you need to give it time. Because you can't see a visible change, this doesn't mean that change is taking place.
Change will always start from within before it effects the outer appearance.
Do you have the ability to change? Are you prepared to allow the change to take place?
I pray you are blessed by this and may you see the change that you desire in your life
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Over the past few weeks, I have begun to love myself again. It's not easy when you have people constantly telling you how short/tall you are, how big/tall you are, what you wear isn't acceptable. During that time, it can be possible to fall out of love with yourself.
In that time, I have decided to bring myself back to the place where I can love myself again, I have been meditating on these particular scriptures - Psalm 139:13-14 ' For you did form my inward parts; you did knit me together in my mother's womb. I will confess and praise you for you are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are your works, and that my inner self knows right well'
Looking at this scripture gives me so much life, I am reminded that even before I was born God had knitted me together, he was the one who formed me in mother's womb.
It's almost been a year since I decided to change my life, not because of what people was telling me about my weight but because I wanted to make a change, I started the journey of self love because to be honest, I couldn't see how beautiful I was but now I know that God loves me and that I should learn how to love myself. I won't pretend and tell you that this journey has been easy because it hasn't, there are still days that I question whether all this is really worth it and there are days I feel on top of the world.
When you compare yourself to others, it's known that you will be depressed with the way you look and will do anything to look like them. I have been in that place thinking to myself why don't I look like someone else. It was then that I realised that I am not like them, I can never be like them. It was at that point I gave up trying to look like other people and decided to focus on myself for a change. I started to buy myself clothes, treat myself to fresh haircuts and everything else that comes with it. I even booked nights away where I could reconnect with myself.
If you are struggling with confidence, with issues relating to image, just know that you are not alone. There are many people out there who go through the same issues and there are many people who have overcome that fear.
Love yourself well. Love your perfections and imperfections, love everything about you.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made, You are beautiful, You are unique, You are original.
There can only ever be one of you.
mental health,
self love,
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Stop Worrying, Rest your mind
What will I eat, what will I drink, what will I wear. When will this happen, when will it arrive……….
When will I get married, when will I get a house, a car…………….. Your mind will be racing with thoughts and worry when really these are questions that can not be answered.
These are questions that we all ask and generally we get upset when we don’t know. I’ve often caught myself asking these questions and when people can’t answer me, I get upset and feel lumbered with the decision of making it myself.
Let’s look a few scriptures which tell us about worry
““Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”
Matthew 6:34 MSG
“Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink; or about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life greater [in quality] than food, and the body [far above and more excellent] than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life? [Ps. 39:5-7.] And why should you be anxious about clothes? Consider the lilies of the field and learn thoroughly how they grow; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his magnificence (excellence, dignity, and grace) was not arrayed like one of these. [I Kings 10:4-7.] But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.”
Matthew 6:25-32 AMP
In both passages, we are seeing that Jesus is telling us to stop worrying about the finer things in life. Lets provide ourselves with a eye opener – Babies are the most relaxed people I know, they don’t have a care in the world because they know that their mother and father will always provide for them. If babies can be peaceful, why can’t we be peaceful?
God knows what you need, worrying about it won’t help you get it any quicker. Be calm, be relaxed, just focus on God and the rest will follow.
“But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.”
Matthew 6:33 AMP
All things will be given to you when you seek Gods face. Don’t worry about it, God has it under control. When you pile up your mind up with worry, you will never be able to enjoy rest and peace, instead you will be anxious, fearful and always cautious.
Don’t allow worry to take over your life, instead be safe in the knowledge that God has everything under control.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Do you love yourself #openthoughts
Do you love yourself? That was a question posed to me recently. It was a question I had to think long and hard about.
Before I answered, I had to break it down into - How can I love myself?
There’s a saying which is ‘Look after yourself before you look after others’. At first glance you would think it’s quite a selfish quote but when you read it again, it will make sense. Looking after others will require a lot from you and if you aren’t well yourself, it could end in disaster.
One of the ways is to Take a break - Yes, take a break. In life, you will get involved in so many things that you find you have no time for yourself. This results in being rundown, tired and soon or later turn into depression. From time to time, take a break, go on a spa, rest yourself and regain your energy.
Anther way is to cut off all the toxic people in your life - You will find that there are people who will drain all your energy and demand time from you. Please, it's time to cut them off, they are not helping you or your health.
Live a healthy lifestyle - This is a way to destress yourself. From time to time, it's always good to get out and stretch yourself. It also benefits your mental health and it will keep the brain ticking. Eating healthily can also contribute to us being well both physically and mentally.
Treat yourself - Now and again, it is good to treat yourself. This could mean from buying new clothes to watching the latest movie at the cinema. Go on a shopping spree, have a night out with friends. Treat yourself, make yourself feel special.
Focus - Focus on yourself for a change. We have a tendency to want to help everyone around us and take on their problems but in reality we simply can't do that. It's not wrong to want to focus on yourself for a while, get yourself back to full fitness, regain your happiness and most of all love yourself.
Listen to your body - Rushing around can eventually cause us to slow down and then stop. It's good to get things done but there's a need to slow down and take it easy. Listen to your body, know when to stop or when to put the brakes on.
Picture a car travelling at a fast speed, it fails to spot the red light ahead and then crashes. Instant write off. That can become us when we ignore warning signs, we too can crash and burn. In order to prevent that, listen to your body.
When I think of love, I think of it as an action word. Loving yourself is the most important thing you should do, because let's face it - if you can't love yourself, who else will?
There will come a time when loving yourself becomes hard but it can get easier when you begin to value yourself and see yourself how God sees you.
Ask yourself if you spend time doing what you love, Ask yourself if you have time for yourself
Loving others can be very hard when we don't love ourselves.
I pray this blesses you and helps you to start that journey of love
Before I answered, I had to break it down into - How can I love myself?
There’s a saying which is ‘Look after yourself before you look after others’. At first glance you would think it’s quite a selfish quote but when you read it again, it will make sense. Looking after others will require a lot from you and if you aren’t well yourself, it could end in disaster.
One of the ways is to Take a break - Yes, take a break. In life, you will get involved in so many things that you find you have no time for yourself. This results in being rundown, tired and soon or later turn into depression. From time to time, take a break, go on a spa, rest yourself and regain your energy.
Anther way is to cut off all the toxic people in your life - You will find that there are people who will drain all your energy and demand time from you. Please, it's time to cut them off, they are not helping you or your health.
Live a healthy lifestyle - This is a way to destress yourself. From time to time, it's always good to get out and stretch yourself. It also benefits your mental health and it will keep the brain ticking. Eating healthily can also contribute to us being well both physically and mentally.
Treat yourself - Now and again, it is good to treat yourself. This could mean from buying new clothes to watching the latest movie at the cinema. Go on a shopping spree, have a night out with friends. Treat yourself, make yourself feel special.
Focus - Focus on yourself for a change. We have a tendency to want to help everyone around us and take on their problems but in reality we simply can't do that. It's not wrong to want to focus on yourself for a while, get yourself back to full fitness, regain your happiness and most of all love yourself.
Listen to your body - Rushing around can eventually cause us to slow down and then stop. It's good to get things done but there's a need to slow down and take it easy. Listen to your body, know when to stop or when to put the brakes on.
Picture a car travelling at a fast speed, it fails to spot the red light ahead and then crashes. Instant write off. That can become us when we ignore warning signs, we too can crash and burn. In order to prevent that, listen to your body.
When I think of love, I think of it as an action word. Loving yourself is the most important thing you should do, because let's face it - if you can't love yourself, who else will?
There will come a time when loving yourself becomes hard but it can get easier when you begin to value yourself and see yourself how God sees you.
Ask yourself if you spend time doing what you love, Ask yourself if you have time for yourself
Loving others can be very hard when we don't love ourselves.
I pray this blesses you and helps you to start that journey of love
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
#OpenThoughts :Children - a gift from God
For some time now, I've been talking with the Lord on certain subjects and each and every time it comes down to one subject - Children.
Children are a gift from God, they are very special. It grieves my heart when I hear that a child has either been murdered by their parents or be involved in many gruesome activities. I want to highlight what neglect and abuse can do to your children .
What is neglect?
Neglect is the ongoing failure to meet a child's basic needs and is the most common form of child abuse.
A child may be left hungry or dirty, without adequate clothing, shelter, supervision, medical or health care.
A child may be put in danger or not protected from physical or emotional harm.
They may not get the love, care and attention they need from their parents.
A child who's neglected will often suffer from other abuse as well. Neglect is dangerous and can cause serious, long-term damage - even death.
(Types of Neglect)
Physical neglect
Failing to provide for a child’s basic needs such as food, clothing or shelter. Failing to adequately supervise a child,or provide for their safety.
Educational neglect
Failing to ensure a child receives an education.
Emotional neglect
Failing to meet a child’s needs for nurture and stimulation, perhaps by ignoring, humiliating, intimidating or isolating them. It’s often the most difficult to prove.
Medical neglect
Failing to provide appropriate health care, including dental care and refusal of care or ignoring medical recommendations.
In our society, Neglect is very high and it's also very common. While we know what it can do physically, what does it do mentally?
Someone who has suffered neglect will often grown up alone, afraid to make relationships and unable to look after themselves. People who are neglected will often stay silent for fear of the resulting consequences and what could happen next.
Now, what is abuse?
Child abuse is any action by another person – adult or child – that causes significant harm to a child. It can be physical, sexual or emotional, but can just as often be about a lack of love, care and attention. We know that neglect, whatever form it takes, can be just as damaging to a child as physical abuse.
An abused child will often experience more than one type of abuse, as well as other difficulties in their lives. It often happens over a period of time, rather than being a one-off event. And it can increasingly happen online.
We estimate that over half a million children are abused in the UK each year.
People who are abused will almost certainly experience a mental breakdown and within the recent past, it's been decided that if you fail to provide emotional support, you can get sent to prison.
Psalm 105:15 - "Touch not my anointed; do my prophets no harm"
Romans 12:19 - "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge, I will repay", says the Lord
Those that have been neglected and abused will always harbour feelings towards the perpetrators but God is saying to leave it to him, let him avenge on your behalf.
Children need space and time to grow, time to flourish and time to be themselves. Children also need to be in an environment which is conducive for them and also a place where they feel loved and wanted. They also need consistency in their lives
Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it"
Help your children to live well, don't cut short the assignment that God has placed over their lives. Ending a child's life is not only cutting short their destiny, you are also killing off a whole generation.
Psalm 127:3 - Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him
Children are a gift from God - Treat them well........................................................
You can do something today, help look after a child, help train a child, help a family in need, help a family in the middle of a breakdown. Do something today. Help a child live
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Fragrance Delight - My Search for a Fragrance Kit
Hey everyone, how you all doing. As I write this, it's looking like a very grey day. Things must go on so, recently, I started to look for a new fragrance kit.
I approached Lynx and because they were promoting some new products, they sent me some to try out.
I received some hair gel, some deodorant and some deodorant spray.
The spray has a very distinctive smell, a very nice distinctive smell. It was one that got me hooked from the first time I put it on. It's small but very powerful. This is a contender to my included in my everyday fragrance kit but the search goes on. I would give it a 8/10
I was very impressed with how the hair gel made my hair feel. It left my hair feeling rather soft which is something that I crave.
So my quest went a step further which resulted in me being sent a new cologne by Etat Libre D'Orange. The excitement before the delivery was very real. When it reached my house, my eyes were drawn to the design, very simple but detailed.
As you would imagine, when I tried some for the very first time, I was very impressed. I fell in love straight away, the scent was one that lasted quite a while. If you are like me, there would be some caution when trying a new aftershave or perfume but this time, I was open to trying a new aftershave and as a result I have been left feeling very positive my next purchase from them.
On the other hand, I will admit that my search for a fragrance kit carries on.
So, I will provide an update next week on my search for a new fragrance kit. Until then, ciao.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Are you Well? - Deal With The Issue
Hey guys, as you know I currently study Health and Social Care. During that time, I've been really hearing from the Lord on certain things pertaining to the body of Christ.
Not dealing with the root of your issue will only result in you being in the same cycle time after time. Symptoms are the thing which associates with your issue. They may come and go but the pain will still be there.
For you to be completely well, you need to attack the root of the problem. For so long, society tells that it will go if you let nature take its course. While that may be true, it will prolong your recovery time.
Whatever you are going through, while it may be seasonal, it will still be there if you don't deal with the issue. Deal with the issue so you can be free
'Know the truth, the truth will set you free'
I hope you are blessed as you listen to a message the Lord gave me on Wellbeing and Mental Health
Be Blessed
Hey guys, as you know I currently study Health and Social Care. During that time, I've been really hearing from the Lord on certain things pertaining to the body of Christ.
Not dealing with the root of your issue will only result in you being in the same cycle time after time. Symptoms are the thing which associates with your issue. They may come and go but the pain will still be there.
For you to be completely well, you need to attack the root of the problem. For so long, society tells that it will go if you let nature take its course. While that may be true, it will prolong your recovery time.
Whatever you are going through, while it may be seasonal, it will still be there if you don't deal with the issue. Deal with the issue so you can be free
'Know the truth, the truth will set you free'
I hope you are blessed as you listen to a message the Lord gave me on Wellbeing and Mental Health
Be Blessed
Holy Nation Summit:Unveiled
“Now you [collectively] are Christ's body and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and distinct [each with his own place and function].”
1 Corinthians 12:27 AMP
Hey guys, as you all we love supporting the body of Christ. This week will be heading down to the Holy Nation Summit.
This week starting from Thursday 19th May 2016, Qadosh Kingdom Movement will be hosting their annual conference entitled the Holy Nation Summit. This year, the theme is entitled: Unveiled
Ministers, Apostles, Evangelists and Guest Speakers from all over the nation with be gathering here in London to help usher in a new wave of glory.
'Holy Nation Summit is an annual, international and non-denominational convocation commemorating the anniversary of Qadosh Kingdom Movement. Holy Nation summit is designed as an apostolic platform to bring together the various streams of the Church to be equipped and empowered to transform the world around us'
The Morning sessions will be focusing on the school of supernatural ministry and Leadership, whereas the evening sessions will be free. All info and tickets are available at www.holynationsummit.com
Hope to see you all there, it's set to be a powerful time in Gods presence.
Apostle Elijah Israel Chanak has said to Come Hungry and Desperate for God..............
Be ready, Be expectant. Something great is about to happen
1 Corinthians 12:27 AMP
Hey guys, as you all we love supporting the body of Christ. This week will be heading down to the Holy Nation Summit.
This week starting from Thursday 19th May 2016, Qadosh Kingdom Movement will be hosting their annual conference entitled the Holy Nation Summit. This year, the theme is entitled: Unveiled
Ministers, Apostles, Evangelists and Guest Speakers from all over the nation with be gathering here in London to help usher in a new wave of glory.
'Holy Nation Summit is an annual, international and non-denominational convocation commemorating the anniversary of Qadosh Kingdom Movement. Holy Nation summit is designed as an apostolic platform to bring together the various streams of the Church to be equipped and empowered to transform the world around us'
The Morning sessions will be focusing on the school of supernatural ministry and Leadership, whereas the evening sessions will be free. All info and tickets are available at www.holynationsummit.com
Hope to see you all there, it's set to be a powerful time in Gods presence.
Apostle Elijah Israel Chanak has said to Come Hungry and Desperate for God..............
Be ready, Be expectant. Something great is about to happen
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Food and Drink: Nutella Blended Coffee
Hey guys, so a while ago I wanted to dive into food and drink industry. So, here is my first foray into this field.
This Morning whilst I was on my daily duties, I came across a shop called Coffee Bazaar, situated on Edgware Road, not far from Frampton Street. The service was impeccable, the interior of the shop was a far cry from your normal coffee shop. It was quite cosy, somewhere you can sit for hours.
What caught my eye, was the Nutella blended Coffee. Now, if you are like me, then you would guess my reaction then yeah would guess at how hesitant I was to try it let alone buy it.
Nevertheless, I went ahead and purchased one. Once I put it to my mouth, the taste alone sent my tastebuds into overdrive. Never before had I tasted something so excellent and mouth watering. To say it's something I will purchase everyday would be quite wrong, I'd only buy it as a treat or to properly wake me up in the morning. If you have a weakness with sugar, I suggest you avoid this but if you can handle it, then go ahead and purchase one. All in all, I loved my purchase and I will definitely like to purchase one again.
There will be some shops who will make Nutella blended coffee so I would purchase one and see just how mouthwatering is. I can still taste, I may just go back and consume another one.
Until next time, enjoy yourself.
See ya'll soon
This Morning whilst I was on my daily duties, I came across a shop called Coffee Bazaar, situated on Edgware Road, not far from Frampton Street. The service was impeccable, the interior of the shop was a far cry from your normal coffee shop. It was quite cosy, somewhere you can sit for hours.
What caught my eye, was the Nutella blended Coffee. Now, if you are like me, then you would guess my reaction then yeah would guess at how hesitant I was to try it let alone buy it.
Nevertheless, I went ahead and purchased one. Once I put it to my mouth, the taste alone sent my tastebuds into overdrive. Never before had I tasted something so excellent and mouth watering. To say it's something I will purchase everyday would be quite wrong, I'd only buy it as a treat or to properly wake me up in the morning. If you have a weakness with sugar, I suggest you avoid this but if you can handle it, then go ahead and purchase one. All in all, I loved my purchase and I will definitely like to purchase one again.
There will be some shops who will make Nutella blended coffee so I would purchase one and see just how mouthwatering is. I can still taste, I may just go back and consume another one.
Until next time, enjoy yourself.
See ya'll soon
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
It's Not a Race, Stop Rushing
There was a time I thought that by a certain time in life you should be settled in life and living well. Years later, that was thrown back into my face lol yes it really was.
You see, I thought I was in a race, I constantly put myself under pressure to achieve things by a certain time but then I came across a scripture that stopped in my tracks.
'He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end' - Ecclesiastes 3:11
In life you can run fast but not be going nowhere in particular, you're just running because you want to chase down others while there are people who walk and have a destination in sight and know that they will get there at the right time.
Stop putting yourself under pressure to conform to society and to what other people think.
Just be you, walk with God, when he says it's time, things will happen for you.
A wise man once said this - 'Enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going'. So many people want to go and achieve everything without finding internal happiness, peace and joy. Why not find yourself first and let everything happen when it is supposed to happen. If it's already in the supernatural then it will come to pass in the natural state.
School, College, University, Marriage, Getting a Job, Buying your first home and so forth, they will all happen at some stage in your life but when it happens is for God to reveal to you. Don't try and get bogged down if you haven't got married by 30 or you haven't been to Uni yet, you can't hurry God.
Everything will become perfect in it's time, Everything will fall into place when we stop resisting God.
Life isn't a race, it's a journey. Someday you will reach your Promise Land, The Land of Promise. On this walk, many people will chase you down because they are obsessed with beating you. Don't get caught doing that, we should stop trying to race other people.
I'm now 28, I'm a work in progress, I can't be rushed, God knows when my time is, and when it's time we will really go. Until then, I'm content and enjoying life.
'I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time' - Ecclesiastes 9:11
'Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
You see, I thought I was in a race, I constantly put myself under pressure to achieve things by a certain time but then I came across a scripture that stopped in my tracks.
'He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end' - Ecclesiastes 3:11
In life you can run fast but not be going nowhere in particular, you're just running because you want to chase down others while there are people who walk and have a destination in sight and know that they will get there at the right time.
Stop putting yourself under pressure to conform to society and to what other people think.
Just be you, walk with God, when he says it's time, things will happen for you.
A wise man once said this - 'Enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going'. So many people want to go and achieve everything without finding internal happiness, peace and joy. Why not find yourself first and let everything happen when it is supposed to happen. If it's already in the supernatural then it will come to pass in the natural state.
School, College, University, Marriage, Getting a Job, Buying your first home and so forth, they will all happen at some stage in your life but when it happens is for God to reveal to you. Don't try and get bogged down if you haven't got married by 30 or you haven't been to Uni yet, you can't hurry God.
Everything will become perfect in it's time, Everything will fall into place when we stop resisting God.
Life isn't a race, it's a journey. Someday you will reach your Promise Land, The Land of Promise. On this walk, many people will chase you down because they are obsessed with beating you. Don't get caught doing that, we should stop trying to race other people.
I'm now 28, I'm a work in progress, I can't be rushed, God knows when my time is, and when it's time we will really go. Until then, I'm content and enjoying life.
'I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time' - Ecclesiastes 9:11
'Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God' - Hebrews 12:1-2
This passage lets me know that is for me to lay aside everything that weights me down and look unto Jesus and persevere in my walk. I take great courage from this scripture because really I wouldn't be able to move forward or persevere if I'm not looking to Jesus.
Another passage which gives me great joy is in 2 Timothy. Paul is saying how he fought the good the faith, he has finished his race and now he is ready to the receive the crown of righteousness that is laid before him.
You too can also receive that same crown of righteousness, it's available to those have patience and perseverance. Fight the good of faith, resist temptation, avoid premature exposure and walk with God.
So in rounding up, let's remember that life is not race, it's a journey. Let's stop rushing around and begin to focus on Jesus.
Stay Blessed Folks
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Friday, 29 April 2016
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Stand Strong
Standing Strong
Your response to adversity will show how strong your faith is
People's lives were turned upside down, destinies were cut short, people lives cut short, a nation shook to its very core. As the morning went by,pondering on this, it's not time for us to run away from terror, it's time for us to stand firm in the midst of terror. The enemy wants you to run, to be scared, to be shaken but it's time to refuse his tactics and show him how strong you are.
Peter couldn't see Jesus but he still climbed out of the boat. Run to Jesus, the enemy will wants to stop you but stay strong and run to him.
After the death of Moses, Joshua was tasked with leading in the children of Egypt into the promise land. Some time before, spies were sent out in order to see what they would need to do to enter the promise land. The rest came back and said there was no way that they could defeat the Giants standing in their way but Joshua and caleb came back and reported that they had every belief that those Giants could be defeated. What sets you apart from others is your faith and belief in God.
So from the perspective of Gods view, do you believe that all things are possible? Are you seeing the same thing as God is seeing. Whenever God sends someone out on a mission, he never leaves you unprepared and lacking support. Knowing this, it is not possible for us to be afraid or even be shaken for it says in Joshua 1 to be strong and of Good courage, for he will never leave us nor forsake us.
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9 KJV
Keeping your eyes on Jesus will ensure you are focuses on him and him alone. Times will come when things happen to shake your faith and to blind your vision but we have to stay steadfast and strong and focused on Him in order to reach our full potential.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:2-3 KJV
This passage lets me know that because I am hidden in Christ, I must set my mind on heavenly things. Are you doing the same? When you see news of terror, how do you respond?
Being hidden means that no one can find you
Take on the mind of Christ, be steadfast, refuse to be shaken. Stand strong and be strong
Through things that have happened, I have learnt how to be strong for me and for my others. If I had of exposed my weakness to others, depending on who they are it could have been very deadly. In the end, I went to God and gave my burden.
When you are strong, stead fast and solid, nothing can move or break you. Times of testing will come along but you will not be moved by it.
Be Strong, Stand Strong, Live Strong, Stay Strong
Your response to adversity will show how strong your faith is
People's lives were turned upside down, destinies were cut short, people lives cut short, a nation shook to its very core. As the morning went by,pondering on this, it's not time for us to run away from terror, it's time for us to stand firm in the midst of terror. The enemy wants you to run, to be scared, to be shaken but it's time to refuse his tactics and show him how strong you are.
Peter couldn't see Jesus but he still climbed out of the boat. Run to Jesus, the enemy will wants to stop you but stay strong and run to him.
After the death of Moses, Joshua was tasked with leading in the children of Egypt into the promise land. Some time before, spies were sent out in order to see what they would need to do to enter the promise land. The rest came back and said there was no way that they could defeat the Giants standing in their way but Joshua and caleb came back and reported that they had every belief that those Giants could be defeated. What sets you apart from others is your faith and belief in God.
So from the perspective of Gods view, do you believe that all things are possible? Are you seeing the same thing as God is seeing. Whenever God sends someone out on a mission, he never leaves you unprepared and lacking support. Knowing this, it is not possible for us to be afraid or even be shaken for it says in Joshua 1 to be strong and of Good courage, for he will never leave us nor forsake us.
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9 KJV
Keeping your eyes on Jesus will ensure you are focuses on him and him alone. Times will come when things happen to shake your faith and to blind your vision but we have to stay steadfast and strong and focused on Him in order to reach our full potential.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:2-3 KJV
This passage lets me know that because I am hidden in Christ, I must set my mind on heavenly things. Are you doing the same? When you see news of terror, how do you respond?
Being hidden means that no one can find you
Take on the mind of Christ, be steadfast, refuse to be shaken. Stand strong and be strong
Through things that have happened, I have learnt how to be strong for me and for my others. If I had of exposed my weakness to others, depending on who they are it could have been very deadly. In the end, I went to God and gave my burden.
When you are strong, stead fast and solid, nothing can move or break you. Times of testing will come along but you will not be moved by it.
Be Strong, Stand Strong, Live Strong, Stay Strong
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
My Fitness Journey
Hey guys it's been a while since I last updated you on my progress. So a few weeks ago, I decided to get myself a health trainer (it's a free service lol) so I can meet someone and discuss my goals with. At first I thought it wouldn't be beneficial but it turns out that it has become very beneficial.
My church (Salem International Christian Centre) is pretty central to my life and I have a few fellow Salemites, who are also interested in health and wellbeing so we decided to set up Salem Health and Fitness. It's pretty surreal but our main aim is to educate people how they can live healthy and well whilst pursuing your destiny.
Losing weight doesn't happen overnight, I have discovered this since I decided to improve my wellbeing, I had to change my mindset and also change my eating habits. I'm not gonna tell you that it's an easy fix but with hard work and dedicated, you can do it.
In one of my meetings with my health trainer she said this - 'Your body is a temple and your soul lives inside that temple' Wow, very thought provoking, it then took me to a few scriptures
“Then the LORD said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”
Habakkuk 2:2 NLT
“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NLT
“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake:”
1 Corinthians 10:23-25 KJV
I soon realised that if I am going to be more healthier, I need to write it down and be able to visualise it, that way I will not be tempted to go off road. Temptations are real but when you have a goal in mind and you are focused, it will get easier.
It is very easy to go off road but it's even harder to get back on the road.
You may want to be more healthier, or you may even want to lose weight. Why don't we travel on the same road together. If you do have that passion, contact me or message me and we can take it from there.
Hope you are all blessed and I hope to see y'all very soon p.s. Would love to see you at my church also. Come and join us at Upton Park every Sunday from 9.30 onwards.
Friday, 1 April 2016
A New Year
Well, what a year it has been. I'm not sure where I should start but I want to thank God for seeing me through to another year
Last year, a lot happened which really shaped me and moulded me into where I am today. Towards the end of last year in July/August, my little brother came home full time. After 6 years in care, he was finally returned home. That had been a major prayer point of mine and it was made manifest.
Not long after in September, I underwent an operation to help me to lose weight.
Over the past weeks, I have seen God do wonders in my life and to him I give all the praise
In the middle of last year, the Lord spoke to me and asked me why there was no Unity within the Body of Christ. He showed a body that was fractured, it moved me and another fellow sister to come together and set up Unified Ministries. A movement to bring the body of Christ back together again, to bring unity and harmony to the body.
Amos 3:3 states - 'Can two people walk together, except they be agreed'.
I'm sincerely looking forward to Chapter 28 and also speaking to you all one at of our many fellowship meetings. Watch out for our Launch as well.
Thank you all for the love, support, words of wisdom, prayer and your commitment. May God richly bless you and I pray that he increases you on every side.
Last year, a lot happened which really shaped me and moulded me into where I am today. Towards the end of last year in July/August, my little brother came home full time. After 6 years in care, he was finally returned home. That had been a major prayer point of mine and it was made manifest.
Not long after in September, I underwent an operation to help me to lose weight.
Over the past weeks, I have seen God do wonders in my life and to him I give all the praise
In the middle of last year, the Lord spoke to me and asked me why there was no Unity within the Body of Christ. He showed a body that was fractured, it moved me and another fellow sister to come together and set up Unified Ministries. A movement to bring the body of Christ back together again, to bring unity and harmony to the body.
Amos 3:3 states - 'Can two people walk together, except they be agreed'.
I'm sincerely looking forward to Chapter 28 and also speaking to you all one at of our many fellowship meetings. Watch out for our Launch as well.
Thank you all for the love, support, words of wisdom, prayer and your commitment. May God richly bless you and I pray that he increases you on every side.
Monday, 29 February 2016
Out of Control / Spiralling - Only You can Stop It
Ever been told you were out of control or just spiralling. Lets go back to the local playground and try to picture yourself on that roundabout which went really fast................................
Now how would you feel? When I went on there one time with a few friends, one pushed it real fast and it was quite an experience, to have someone control how fast you go or how slow you go. I'm not sure if I want to go through that again
So, what helped me change what I ate - I would have to say having a diary and a schedule and also getting help from my church family and direction from God, this combination helped me a lot. I was also told to listen to my body as it would signify what it likes and what it doesn't like
Only I could stop myself from spiralling out of control so I took back control and started to change my lifestyle. A few months on and I can truly say that it's the best decision I have ever made. I'm not totally there yet but I made a change and it is starting to pay off.
If you find yourself on a roundabout, jump off and get back up and start to take control and it shall be well with you
“Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them,
For they shall eat the fruit of their doings. - Isaiah 3:10
Be Blessed
Now how would you feel? When I went on there one time with a few friends, one pushed it real fast and it was quite an experience, to have someone control how fast you go or how slow you go. I'm not sure if I want to go through that again
That was me with my eating habits, there was a time when I thought that everything was good and that I could eat anything but some family and friends had to tell me straight - 'Ryan, watch what you eat'
It was quite different to hear that but I soon realised the damage it could cause and then I came across the following scripture - Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power (1 Corinthians 6:12)
Soon or later, I discovered for myself that not all foods are beneficial for me. When I started my road to surgery, I was told that after surgery, the food I eat now will have to be cut off completely, whilst I didn't take it in I eventually realised it wouldn't do me any good. Even as I was preparing for surgery I had to make drastic changes in what I ate, the portion sizes and how regular I ate.
So, what helped me change what I ate - I would have to say having a diary and a schedule and also getting help from my church family and direction from God, this combination helped me a lot. I was also told to listen to my body as it would signify what it likes and what it doesn't like
Only I could stop myself from spiralling out of control so I took back control and started to change my lifestyle. A few months on and I can truly say that it's the best decision I have ever made. I'm not totally there yet but I made a change and it is starting to pay off.
If you find yourself on a roundabout, jump off and get back up and start to take control and it shall be well with you
“Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them,
For they shall eat the fruit of their doings. - Isaiah 3:10
Be Blessed
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Key to Your Heart
Over time it is understandable that you may want to build a wall around you with the fear that someone will come in and ruin you and leave you broken hearted once again.
I'm sure that you can relate to this, I was once in that position. I isolated myself, started to stay at home more and not socialise with most of my friends. I built a wall so I was sure that no one could hurt me again, it felt good at the time but I realised that there were people out there who really did genuinely love me and wanted to help me and spend time with me.
It took a long time for me to be able to put my trust in people again, I had to build a foundation with people and ensure that their hearts were in the right place. One of the biggest things I had to do was to open up to people and tell them what I was going through, it was hard at first but step by step I began to open up to people.
Months later and now I've changed my mindset towards people and my behaviour towards them. It's still a struggle but with God's grace I will break that mode and be free to talk to others.............
A huge test was when I had surgery in September and during recovery mode I had this concept that not many people would take interest in what had happened but that concept totally went out the window as some of my church family came to see me and that was such an encouragement to me. Since then I have become more open and it has benefited me in more ways than one.
What I would say is that there are people who will have a genuine passion to help you and look after you. Those people might just have the key to your heart. Let them in, let them comfort and help you. Let them help you become free
“Bear (endure, carry) one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete what is lacking [in your obedience to it].”
Galatians 6:2 AMP
I would love to hear your stories and hopefully encourage some of you to achieve freedom.
You can do it if your change your mindset. One Love
I'm sure that you can relate to this, I was once in that position. I isolated myself, started to stay at home more and not socialise with most of my friends. I built a wall so I was sure that no one could hurt me again, it felt good at the time but I realised that there were people out there who really did genuinely love me and wanted to help me and spend time with me.
It took a long time for me to be able to put my trust in people again, I had to build a foundation with people and ensure that their hearts were in the right place. One of the biggest things I had to do was to open up to people and tell them what I was going through, it was hard at first but step by step I began to open up to people.
Months later and now I've changed my mindset towards people and my behaviour towards them. It's still a struggle but with God's grace I will break that mode and be free to talk to others.............
A huge test was when I had surgery in September and during recovery mode I had this concept that not many people would take interest in what had happened but that concept totally went out the window as some of my church family came to see me and that was such an encouragement to me. Since then I have become more open and it has benefited me in more ways than one.
What I would say is that there are people who will have a genuine passion to help you and look after you. Those people might just have the key to your heart. Let them in, let them comfort and help you. Let them help you become free
“Bear (endure, carry) one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete what is lacking [in your obedience to it].”
Galatians 6:2 AMP
I would love to hear your stories and hopefully encourage some of you to achieve freedom.
You can do it if your change your mindset. One Love
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